Wednesday 25 July 2007

Oxford Internet Surveys

Here is a very interesting report that was widely covered on Radio 4, at it launch this week. It provides a very thorough survey of internet usage in the UK today. The report opens in its executive summary that two-thirds of the UK population have internet access at home other ‘snippets’ relevant to the information literacy world are:

  • The number of non-users (people who have never used the Internet) has decreased to a quarter of the population in 2007.
  • Ex-users and non-users have different reasons for not using the Internet. Ex-users are more likely to point to a lack of interest and access. Non-users are more likely to point to a lack of skill.
  • The Internet is the first port of call for the great majority of Internet users when trying to learn about something new – more important than family members, colleagues or libraries.
  • Users have changed their information search patterns. In 2007, almost two thirds of users depended primarily on search engines to find information: up from one fifth in 2005.


Unknown said...

Chris, anyone interested can contact the OII for a copy of the report, which is also online at

Thank you for drawing it to the attention of others,

Bill Dutton

ChrisWalker said...

Hi Bill thanks for the comment, I think I might contact the office for a paper version - always a lot easier to use than a PDF copy!