Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Information Science and the Phenomenon of Information

In the run up to Christmas, and the holidays, I have decided to go through my paperwork and the hundreds of unread articles. That said, the library emailed me to let me know that three more inter-library loan requests had arrived. One of these articles was Information Science and the Phenomenon of Information by Belikin and Robertson (1976).

This is a very interesting foundation type article, which examines and tries to define the phenomenon of information. They describe information as that which is capable of transforming structure. Information is seen as being best describe by its context, for which they present seven examples, including: Hereditary (genetics); Uncertainty; perception; Individual concept-forming; Inter-human communication; Social conceptual structures and Formalized knowledge. Needless to say, this is a very interesting paper, that needs your full attention, but is worth reading through as it foes help to set a back-drop to information science and the phenomenon of information.

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