I am in the process of doctoring one of my old power points for a presentation I will be giving in a few weeks. The old ppt is the presentation I used at LILAC 2008, and so is not very old--and yet seems so out of date. It is perhaps, a mark of the development of my thinking that it has changed. So what has changed? Well, it is in the crystallising my purpose. My original proposal spoke a lot about information literacy, a term, which I believe, certainly in the English speaking West, is inextricably linked to academic libraries and or some kind of mechanistic training programs, rather than an overarching notion of tying together the strands of information seeking, information use and information behaviours. As a term, information literacy conjures up preconceived notions by its very statement. So back to my purpose,
- How do parents in modern Britain seek meaning and answers to their questions to make informed decisions?
- What sources do they turn to and how do they then construct meaning and assess relevance and trustworthiness?